The Company’s Audit Committee was formed by the Board of Commissioners, in accordance with Bapepam-LK Rule No. IX.I.5. The committee works collectively and helps the implementation of the Board of Commissioners’ function and duty in terms of supervision of issues relating to financial statements, internal control system, internal and external audit functions, GCG implementation as well as compliance with prevailing rules and regulations. Members of the Audit Committee are appointed and dismissed by the Board of Commissioners, and reported to GMS.
The Audit Committee comprises at least three members, namely Independent Commissioner and two members from outside of the Company. The Audit Committee is led by Independent Commissioner.
The term of office for the Audit Committee’s members who are also the Board of Commissioners’ members is the same as that of the Board’s, as determined by the GMS. Meanwhile, the term of office for the Audit Committee’s members who are not the Board of Commissioners’ members shall be at most three years, without restraining the right of the Board of Commissioners to dismiss the members at any point in time.
In implementing their duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee must hold at least three Audit Committee meetings, produce reports for the Board of Commissioners, investigate complaints relating to financial reports, and present the results of the investigation to related parties within the Company, and monitor progress of the follow-up action.