(“The Company”)
The Board of Directors of the Company hereby notified to the Shareholders of the Company, that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“the Meeting”) which have been held on April 16, 2014 at Mulia Hotel, Gerbera Room, Senayan – Jakarta has made the dicisions and ratified the following matters:
- Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
- Approved and accepted the Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Company, including the Supervisory Report of the Board of Commissioners for the 2013 fiscal year.
- Authorize the Financial Statements for the 2013 fiscal year, which have been audited by Public Accountant Purwantono Suherman & Surja (member of Ernst & Young) with the opinion “Un-Qualiffied” as the report dated 7 March 2014 Nomor RPC-4899/PSS/2014; And provide full release and discharge fully responsibility (“Volledig acquit et de charge”) to all members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Commissioners for management and supervisory proceedings they have run during the fiscal year 2013, as far as such actions are reflected in the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Company for the 2013 fiscal year.
- Use of net profit of the Compnay for the end of year 31 December 2013 are as follows:
- Amounting RP18.039.200.004 equal to AS$1.479.957 (*exchange rate used is the end of the year, dated 31 December 2013, AS$1 equal to Rp12.189) will distribute as acash dividend for 644,257,143 shares or Rp28,- (twenty eight Rupiah) per share;
- Amounting AS$100,000 to be set as a reserve fund, accordance with Article 70 of Company Law No. 40 Year 2007 and Article of Association of the Company, Article 23.; and
- The balance of amounting AS$14.877.221 will be recorded as retained earnings.
With schedule of cash dividend payment are as follows:
No. Activities
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 16 April 2014 2
PT. Logindo submit a report thru IDXnet 21 April 2014 3
Cum dividen cash at Reguler and Negotiation market 16 Mei 2014 4
Ex dividen cash at Reguler and Negotiation market 19 Mei 2014 5
Cum dividen cash at Cash Market 21 Mei 2014 6
Ex dividen cash at Cash Market 22 Mei 2014 7
Recording date which entitled for cash dividend 21 Mei 2014 8
Payment of cash dividend 06 Juni 2014 And approved the procedure of distribution of cash divdend as proposed above, and moreover provide a power of attorney and authorization to Board of Directors to perform a payment of cash dividend, and to perform all acts which necessary needs related with the distribution of a cash dividend.
- To approve the re-appointment of Public Accounting Firm Purwantono Suherman & Surja (member of Ernst & Young) to audit the financial statements of the Company for the financial year 2014 and that the Meeting authorized the Directors to set the fee and the appointment requirements that is reasonable for the public accounting firm.
- To approve a salary and/or benefits for Board of Commissioners for book year 2014 amounting AS$160.000 and delegate the authority to determmine a salary and/or benefits for Board of Directors to Board of Commissioners.
- To approve reporting and accountability actual use of proceeds of the Company’s Initial Public Offering.
- To approve the formation and appointment of:
Audit Committee, which consists of:
1. Chairman : Estherina Arianti Djaja (Independent Commissioner)
2. Member : Irwan Setia
3. Member : Christina Sutarto
Nomination and Remuneration Committee, which consists of:
1. Chairman : Pang Yoke Min (President Commissioner)
2. Member : Estherina Arianti Djaja (Independent Commissioner)
3. Member : Merna Logam (Commissioner)
Risk Policy Committee and Policy Corporate Governance, which consists of:
1. Chairman : Merna Logam (Commissioner)
2. Member : Pang Yoke Min (President Commissioner)
3. Member : Estherina Arianti Djaja (Independent Commissioner)Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
- To approve the change of Article 16 paragraph 6 point b and c of Articles of Association of Company becomes as follows:
Article 16
“16.6.b In the event the President Director and/or Vice President Director does not attend or unable to attend due to any causes, where it is not need to be proven to a third party, then each of President Director and/or Vice President Director which unable to attend may be raise a proxy from the other members of Board of Directors to represent him and therefore,- President Director or Vice President Director which jointly attend with that proxy; or
- Proxy of President Director and that Vice President Director;
is entitled and authorized to act for and on behalf of Board of Directors and represents the Company.
16.6.c In the event the President Director and/or Vice President Director and/or Director(s) of proxy of each President Director and/or Vice President Director does not attend or unable to attend due to any causes, where it is not need to be proven to a third party, then 4 (four) members of Board of Directors (including President Director which attend) is entitled and authorized to act for and on behalf of the Board of Directors and represent the Company.”- To approve the change of Article 3 paragraph 2 of the Articles of Association of the Company states as follows:
Purpose and Objective and Business Activiy
Article 3
“2. To achieve that purpose and objective, the Company may conduct:
b. The supporting business activities which supported the main business activity of the Company are:
1) Run the business as the representative (owner’s representative) of the marine shipping transportation company either fix shipping or unfix for the domestic shipping.
2) Conduct the business of the ship management, i.e. including but not limited to maintenance, docking preparing, supply of spare parts, ship crew supplies, equipment and tools of ship crew, logistics, manning, insurance and certification of ship worthiness.
3) Run the business in the field of intermediaries sale and purchase and/or ship broker.
4) Conduct the maintenance activities and ship repairment.
Jakarta, April 21, 2014
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