Result For The Year Ended 31 December 2018

LEAD’s EBITDA improved to USD 9.4 million in FY18 or increased by more than 30% YoY. This was mainly because the company succeeded in achieving the target of increasing utilization in FY18 to almost 60% or increased by more than 27% YoY. The increase in vessel utilization also occurs in large vessels such as AHTS…

Gross Profit & EBITDA Improved

LEAD gross profit margin for this year 9 months result rose 363% YoY to USD 1.3 million as cost of sales dropped 6%. This improvement of gross profit affect higher EBITDA. LEAD EBITDA increased 30% YoY to USD 7.5 million. Gross Profit Improved While the revenue of Logindo for 3rd quarter result was about the…

Logindo Lirik Bisnis Infrastruktur Gas

[TS_VCSC_Info_Notice presets=”preset_notice_info” panel_layout=”notice” panel_type=”info” color_icon=”#cccccc” color_title=”#666666″ color_border=”#cccccc” color_background=”#ffffff” icon_replace=”false” panel_icon=”ts-awesome-info-circle” panel_image=”false” panel_size=”50″ panel_spacer=”15″ font_title_family=”Default:regular” font_content_family=”Default:regular” animations=”false” animation_effect=”ts-hover-css-” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″] H.U Kontan – 19 April 2016 [/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice]

Utilisasi Anjlok, LEAD Jual 19 Kapal

[TS_VCSC_Info_Notice presets=”preset_notice_info” panel_layout=”notice” panel_type=”info” color_icon=”#cccccc” color_title=”#666666″ color_border=”#cccccc” color_background=”#ffffff” icon_replace=”false” panel_icon=”ts-awesome-info-circle” panel_image=”false” panel_size=”50″ panel_spacer=”15″ font_title_family=”Default:regular” font_content_family=”Default:regular” animations=”false” animation_effect=”ts-hover-css-” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″] Bisnis Indonesia – 19 April 2016 [/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice]